Monday, April 22, 2013

Innocence Lost

Jonathan's innocence was lost on the day of the Boston Marathon bombing.  As a parent, I was forced to answer his questions after we watched the news, and in hindsight, I probably should have turned the news off since he was in the room.  However, I did not, and now he keeps asking questions from a three-year-old's perspective.  "Who had the bomb?"  "What color was the bomb?"  "Are the bomb people bad?"

And then I heard him playing with his toys in a "mean" way that is not characteristic of my son.  He was saying things about bad guys and bombs and not being friends.  And then he said that the bad guys don't like Jesus.  Which turned into a teachable moment.  No, "bad guys" probably don't love Jesus; if they did, they would not do the "wrong thing."  I explained that we need to pray for the people that don't love Jesus; that they will find Him and trust in Him.

I wish my three-year-old could be innocent for a little while longer.  This world is a crazy place, and violent acts are becoming more and more common.  If I could shelter him from the storms of this life, I would.  No child should have to be afraid of bombs or of "bad guys."  But this is our new reality, and we must trust in Him to protect us and shield us from evil.  I will continue to pray for carefree days for Jonathan and Owen, and that they will not lose faith.  During times of good and evil, Darin and I will continue to point the way to Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Ilove your entry about Owen's birth. Sad about Jonathan's reaction to the bombings. In this world there will be troubles,but God will be with us if we are faithful.
