Sunday, September 29, 2013

6 Months

During the month of September we introduced you to food.  And boy, did you love it.  The doctor suggested waiting until you were 5 1/2 to 6 months old to introduce food for two reasons: 1) your battle with reflux, and 2) you are breastfeeding and you can get all the nutrition you need through the breastmilk until about 6 months of age.

We started with baby oatmeal when you were just shy of 5 1/2 months (September 11).  It was totally on a whim because I really wanted to wait until the 6 month mark.  However, I am attentive to your needs, and you had been diving toward my food for days and you were way too interested in watching people eat.  Anyway, after the first bite, you grabbed the spoon from me and put it in your mouth.  I think you were saying, "I've got this, Mom.  What have you been waiting for?"  About a week and a half later, you tried bananas...and loved them.  The next foods were sweet potatoes and apples.  No problems there.  You were born to eat.

You learned how to roll over from your back to your tummy this month (September 27, but I didn't see you do it until a few days later).  It was fascinating to watch because you would grab hold of your right foot, pull it up towards your chest, and use it to propel yourself forward in order to roll over.  Sheer genius.

No weight check for this month.  We tried to get you into the doctor for your 6 month appointment (a week in advance, I might add), but the doctor's office was so busy that they scheduled you for 4 weeks later because it was a "well-check" and you weren't sick.  Stink.  Totally ruined my weight and length checks.  Oh, well.  You're growing.  A lot.  And that's all that matters.

My absolute number one favorite thing about you is the look of overwhelming joy on your face every time I walk in the room.  It's as if you haven't seen me in months and are so shocked and full of excitement that I'm "back."  It doesn't matter if I've been gone all day at work, or if I walk away for a minute to use the bathroom.  Your sweet smile is priceless.  Each day when I pick you up from Colleen's, you greet me with a big grin and pant (oh, so ready to eat!).  Then you touch my face with your tiny hand, just to make sure it's me (?), and press your wide-open mouth to my cheek.  Love.  Pure, innocent love.  Your sweet greetings make me think of the song, "Reunited and it feels so good...."

I love you, sweetie.


  1. Hi Shana. What a sweet post for your sweet baby boy! I love the joy and love that you speak about in the last paragraph. So precious! They sure do make all the crazy times worth it, don't they? : )

    I wanted to respond to your comment on my blog so I thought I would visit yours! : ) I am glad I did. I posted the tutorial on making those trees a couple years ago over at Lemon Tree Creations so here is the link for that...
    I laughed at your question of how do I have time to do all this? I just take advantage of every second that they play nicely together or alone a It has to be a small project so I can get that sense of accomplishment from finishing it quickly! The trees are super easy, you'll see! : )

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! I appreciate your kind words regarding my blog, as well as the tutorial for making the trees. I showed it to my mother-in-law, and she thinks it would be a neat idea for her Sunday School class to make for the nursing home residents in her area next year.
