Sunday, December 6, 2015

Making Progress

While it seems like our adoption is moving in super slow mo', it's really not.  While it is difficult to set a timeline on adoption, our agency believes that we will be traveling sometime in the new year.  Praise the Lord!  The dossier has taken much longer than anticipated, simply because so many papers have to be notarized, and "rules" change during the process.  We are so grateful to our friend and notary, Chris McKiernan.  He has spent a lot of time on multiple visits notarizing documents for us...for free.  And the wonderful people at 5/3 Bank in Ross refused to let us pay them for notarizing documents, even though we are not their customers, simply as a gift.  

By the end of this week, our dossier should be finalized and scanned into the system...and then we wait.  We will wait for a referral.  Wait for the phone call that will forever change our lives.  We will wait and pray and give thanks for this amazing process that is growing our family.  And we will continue to pray for hearts to be changed in those who do not quite understand adoption.  Because adoption is a gift.  It is love.  And it is real.  It will be challenging.  It will be full of ups and downs. Just like every parent-child relationship grown in the mother's womb or the mother's heart.  But it is our calling and we are thrilled to be on this journey.  And our prayer is that our family and friends will embrace our child(ren) and open their hearts to love and be loved.  

Many have asked what they can do to help.  Here is our list of needs at this time...

First and foremost, pray.  Pray for all of the orphans of our world, and specifically for the one(s) that will be joining our family.  Pray for our boys and the transition that this will mean for them.  Pray for our extended family.  Pray for our international travel plans.  Pray for the Ugandan people and the court proceedings.  Pray for us.  The adoption process is long and frustrating, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

Ask us questions.  We want to share about our adoption ~ we are expecting a child or two and are so very excited!  Think of us as "being pregnant" and ask us questions.  Asking questions reveals your own care and excitement.  It truly means the world to us. 

And give.  If you feel so inclined, please help us financially.  We have $15,000, so we are a little less than halfway there (depending on whether or not we adopt a sibling pair).  We have contributed about $7,500 through our own savings, and we continue to save for our adoption each month.  We have also received another $7,500 through fundraisers, garage sales, and family and friends.  We will be applying for a few grants to help with the cost, as well.  If you'd like for your gift to be tax deductible, you can mail your gift to our adoption agency, and provide a note on a separate sheet of paper, noting our names as the recipients.  

Nightlight Christian Adoptions
767 Lane Allen Road
Lexington, KY 40504

We are so grateful to so many for their unending love and support.  Thank you.

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