Thursday, August 29, 2013

5 Months...Bittersweet

Five months old.  You are no longer a newborn.  I miss the newborn days.  The up-all-nights, the sweet newborn cry, changing diapers and nursing every two hours.  The days that many people wish away, I wish to hold onto.  But time doesn't stand still.  So I keep cherishing every moment.  It's not the firsts that are a big deal to me (and I don't wish for them because when they arrive it means an old phase has ended and a new phase has begun).  It's the lasts that show you are growing.  The last time you wake-up in the middle of the night.  Outgrowing newborn clothes and having to pack them away.  Oh, my dear little one.  You are growing up right before my eyes.  You have more than doubled your birthweight.  We were all so worried about you when you were born, but you have proved to be so strong.  And filled with great joy.  Your smile and laughter fill my cup to overflowing.  The love your big brother has for you grows each day, and you seem pretty fond of him, too.  You love to lay next to your big buddy and touch his face.  It makes Jonathan laugh like crazy, and I absolutely love it.  Everything you touch seems to end up in your mouth.  You still love your binky, and you continue to hold a small cloth in your hands when you go to sleep.  You reach out to touch our faces when we hold you, which is one of my favorite things.  You are LOUD.  Like, super-duper loud.  You squeal and try to talk.  There is nothing quiet about you, except when you are tired and pretty mellow.  Grandma says that you are louder than Allyson. 
Five months old.  Back to work.  It is so hard to leave each day and spend the majority of the day away from you and Jonathan.  But, this is the calling God has placed on my life.  It is beyond stressful this year with more demands in education and finding a balance is a challenge.  (Honestly, I haven't quite figured out a "balance" yet.  Just living on about 5 hours of sleep each night right now as I give my job 100% from 7:00-3:00, my family 100% until bedtime, and then my job from bedtime until around 10:30 or 11:00.)  I'm sure it will get easier as the school year continues.  Thankfully, we have a wonderful lady to help raise you and Jonathan while I am away.  And I take advantage of the time I have with you in the evenings.
Four month stats
Weight: 15 lbs, 4 oz.
Length: 25 inches
5 Month Stats
Weight: 16 lbs, 3 oz (47th percentile)
Length: 25 1/2 inches (31st percentile)

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