Wednesday, January 29, 2014

10 Months

Little Peanut, you continue to grow and amaze me everyday.  You are a curious little boy, and are constantly getting into things.  We have to keep quite a close eye on you because you don't fully understand the word "no", yet.  You are loving...oh, so loving.  Your eyes light up when you see your loved ones.  You smile and giggle with delight when you are shown affection.  You especially love to be tickled.  And Jonathan's laugh makes you smile every. single. time.  You are determined.  You want what you want, and nothing (besides having things taken away or being scooped up by us to keep you from hurting yourself) will stand in your way.  You crawl over things (and people) to get where you want to go.  And if you see Jonathan's Star Wars Angry Birds on the table, you make a beeline in that direction as soon as you think no one is watching.  You are a pig hungry little boy.  You continue to scream between bites because we just can't seem to get food into you fast enough.  You love bananas, and can pick them up and eat them. You love apples, and gnaw on them anytime we are willing to let you give it a go.  However, you mostly eat pureed "stage 2" foods because you gag on "stage 3" foods that have "chunks" in them. Water is still your favorite thing; whether it's simply watching Jonathan slurp it into his mouth and spit it out into the sink, or enjoying a bubble bath filled with toys.  You recently started walking with the assistance of a toy walker.  Jonathan and I were having a pretend "picnic" at the table, while you were across the room playing toys by yourself.  When I looked up, you were pushing the large toy car across the room, taking your first assisted steps.  I will never forget the expression on your face, which seemed to say, "What's a guy gotta do to get some attention around here?"  Sleep is still an issue for you.  Some nights you don't wake at all, but most nights you wake-up anywhere from 3-5 times.  You nap regularly at home with music, a clothie, and your binky, but you still have trouble sleeping at Ms. Colleen's.  No worries.  You'll sleep through the night...eventually.  You are a delightful little boy, and it is an absolute honor to be your mother.

 10 Month Stats
Weight: 19 lbs, 10 oz.
Length: 28.5 inches

8 Month Stats
Weight: 18 lbs, 6 oz.
Length: 27.5 inches
*Comparatively, Jonathan was 23 lbs, 6 oz. and 28 inches in length at 10.5 months of age.  BIG DIFFERENCE! 
Enjoy the pictures.  (And please note how much effort it takes to get one good shot these days!)

"Gimme that, Mommy!"
Look at those precious bunny teeth.

Almost got it...

Favorite shot of the day!


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