Monday, March 3, 2014

11 Months

I seriously can not believe that in less than a month, you will be ONE, my precious baby boy.  Where has the time gone?  You now know four words: Dada, Mama, Uh-oh, and…Butt.  Because every boy has to have that last one in his vocabulary, right?  Still waiting to hear you say "Jon".  I might cry when you finally say big brother's name because you guys are seriously best buddies.  Your face still lights up when you see your brother, and you giggle with delight each time.  Heartmelt #532491.

You love to eat and you scream when someone else has food that you do not have.  We are working on "food" and "please", but for now, screaming is where it's at.  You have pretty much given up on green veggies.  You absolutely love sweet potatoes, and will flip for an apple.  Pears also seem to rank high up on your "love" list these days.  

This month, you have become even more attached to me, as if that's even possible.  When I leave the room, you crawl after me and scream (not a crying scream, but a "hey-you-get-back-here-don't-leave-the-room-without-me" kinda scream).  When I'm in the room, you will play by yourself for a few minutes, and then crawl into my lap, snuggle, and then you're off again.  Imagine this scene on repeat.  Your daddy says it's the same with him when he's watching you.  It's absolutely precious and I will miss these moments when you're older and more independent.  You have your "alone" time in your pack 'n play on a pretty regular basis.  As long as no one is in the room attracting attention, you will play by yourself independently for anywhere from 10-20 minutes.  During this time, I try to put laundry away or clean something around the house.  I have to be super fast though!

This month you participated in swim lessons at the YMCA.  You loved "jumping" into the pool the best.  Daddy was a great swim partner for you. 

You also got your first, much needed, haircut.  You were a pretty good sport about it.  No tears.  You just pulled away from Miss Ashley as she attempted to cut your mop hair. 

Sleep is still an issue for you.  I thought we were on a roll at one point, but then the dreaded top teeth started to come in (you are working on 4 at one time right now), and we started back at square one.  Most nights you continue to wake-up once or twice.  Sometimes more.  Naptime is not an issue at home in your own bed, but anywhere else, it's a battle.  No worries.  We'll get there.  And as soon as you're done nursing, this mama is going to a hotel for some much needed z's.  (At least that's what I like to dream about.)

I love you, sweet baby boy.  Even when you look like Alfalfa. 

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