Saturday, March 29, 2014

12 Months

How, sweet boy, are you possibly one?  I can not believe how quickly this year passed.  If I could push "rewind" and start it over, I would in a heartbeat.  You are a joy, and I am so glad that God blessed our family with your presence.

Favorite foods
sweet potatoes

Favorite toys
angry birds
anything that belongs to Jonathan...

Favorite activities
being held
being held
playing with Jonathan
being held

You are sleeping much better this month; at least at home!  You go to bed around 6:45 in the evening, and typically sleep through the night (can I get a woot-woot) until I wake you up around 5:00 am to nurse.  Then you snooze until around 7 or 7:30.  You occasionally wake in the middle of the night, but are easily soothed back to sleep with a little snuggling and some soft music.  You still sleep with your pacifier and a clothie, which is super cute.  Nap time is an issue at your sitter's (too much going on!), but at home you nap like a champ in the early morning and after lunch.

You, my dear one, are a little peanut, but are feisty and full of energy.  You have cat-like reflexes and a fun-loving spirit.  You are always ready to join in when your daddy and brother are wrestling.  Fearless is a good term to describe you at this age.  You still love to be held and often scream when you are put down.  The chiropractor is a must since I hold you so much.  Sometimes I get a little impatient because you constantly need attention.  But then I am reminded that you are still tiny, and just happen to need more love and attention than Jonathan did at this age.  And I love that you need me and want to snuggle.  And then frustration melts away to love and adoration.  Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Owen.  And Jonathan, well that big brother of yours loves you so much.  You have an amazing bond with your brother, and that is just about the best thing I could have hoped for in this stage of life.

Happy 1st Birthday, Owen William.  You are loved beyond measure by a God that is greater than all things.

12 Month Stats
Weight: 21 lbs, 3.5 oz. (50th percentile)
Length: 29.5 inches (40th percentile)

Note: I apologize for the unedited photos.  My computer is history, and I am using a loaner that I really don't know how to use….

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