Monday, August 24, 2015

Kindergarten Open House

I am choosing to celebrate the "firsts" in my boys' lives because you never know when it will be a last.  I will admit it, I am terrified of some of the firsts that occur.  Like Jonathan starting preschool last spring.  Would he behave? Would he make friends? Would he cry?  And he did great and his "graduation" was a beautiful celebration.  Because this little guy has overcome so much.  He continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am so proud of his maturity and kindness.  But I am worried about kindergarten.  Will he follow the rules?  Will he make friends?  Will he keep his hands to himself?  I have learned that I am not in control, and that I can not always protect him from the evil of this world, and I can not always be there to help him make the right choices.  But I can help guide his little heart when I am with him, and pray fiercely when we're apart, hoping that he remembers everything that Darin and I have taught him.

So, Jonathan told me that he doesn't need kindergarten because he already knows everything.  He didn't want to go at all, and even tried to negotiate his three-hour half-day kindergarten down to one hour each day.  Sigh.  Maybe he'll be an attorney?

After meeting his teacher and seeing his classroom, he is now very excited to start kindergarten.  And I am, too!  His teacher is so kind, and she spent countless hours setting up her room.  Her love for her students is displayed on the walls, in the hall, and in the care she took organizing the classroom.

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