Saturday, May 12, 2012


Today was a difficult day for me.  My body has been changing and I've been feeling a little "off", so I thought for sure I was pregnant.  I was going to take a test on Mother's Day, but I didn't want to be disappointed on that day, just in case.  So I decided to test this morning, but the pregnancy test came out negative.  I'm not going to lie, I was pretty heartbroken.  I cried.  I questioned God.  But really, who am I to question God?  I truly believe that if we are to have more biological children, it will be in God's perfect timing.  I just have to remind myself that His timing and my timing might not exactly be the same.  I was reminded of these verses today:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
~ Romans 8:28

To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.  O my God, in You I trust.
~Psalm 25:1-2a

And I was reminded of this song by Laura Story:

I also found this song by John Waller, which pretty much sums up my life right now:

I hope that you take the time to view both of these videos and that you take the lyrics to heart.  I hope that they touch your life like they've touched mine.

Darin knew it would be a hard day for me, so he made it special.  My father-in-law was with Jonathan and me this morning while Darin was at work, which was a fun distraction.  Then I went to a ladies event at my church, which included a "wacky" fashion show (their term, not mine) that made me laugh like crazy.  The luncheon that followed was a great time of fellowship with the ladies.  Getting peed on by Jonathan at the luncheon was also a "highlight" of the day.

While Jonathan took a nap (Darin was still at the church), I busied myself with cleaning the garage, which was no small task.  When Darin got home we enjoyed family time together, which included playing baseball in the house and using vacuum cleaner parts as "guitars" to play along with Peter Frampton.  (I know, I know, you're thinking that we lead very exciting lives.  You're right.)  :O)

Darin thought it would be nice to get out of the house for a bit, so we decided to take Jonathan to Veteran's Park.  It was refreshing to see him running around, grinning all the while, especially since he's been so sick lately.  At one point, Darin looked at me and said, "We truly are blessed."  He's so right.  

It's hard to "see the rainbow through the clouds" sometimes, but when I'm reminded of all the people and things (job, house, food, etc.) in my life, I am reminded of God's blessings.  I'm content with the "things" in my life, but I'm still working on the contentment part that involves growing our family.  When I have "sad" days like this, I often remember something someone once said in regards to waiting for more children: "Love the ones God has placed before you."  That's the easy part: I have an indescribable amount of love for Jonathan, so I can easily love him, the one that God has placed before me.  Thinking of that simple statement does wonders for my heart.

We also enjoyed dinner at LaRosa's and brought home ice cream from UDF for dessert.  Family devotions were on the porch tonight, which was an extra special treat for Jonathan (along with a purple popsicle instead of ice cream).  

Here are some pictures from my bad-day-turned-good, along with some other recent pictures that remind me of just how blessed I truly am.  Enjoy!

See that smiley face in the bottom left-hand corner?  My kid drew that.  :O)

Here's my little artist at work.

"I'm stuck!"

Jackpot!  Patrick-playing-a-guitar underwear!

The homemade vases filled with beautiful flowers for the neighbors that helped Jonathan.

Excited to deliver the flowers!

First treat from an ice cream truck - Spiderman!

Climbing Mount Laundry in search of clothies.

See?  This is how he uses his clothies.

My big boy!

"Can I play with Laythan's guitar please, Mommy?"


Handsome dude.

Reading with Papa Terry.

Checkin' out Papa's motorcycle.

A great big hug before Papa left to "go see Grandma Jeank."

"Nice hit!" (He compliments himself often.)

Playing soccer with Daddy.

"Wanna race?"

Racing for the soccer ball.

Laughing like crazy on the swings.

A happy face from my little man.  He's such a blessing.

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