Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

My parents divorced when I was only three years old.  At that young age, I really did not understand why my parents weren't together.  I simply knew that my parents did not live together, and eventually, they both remarried and I gained "extra" parents and more siblings.  I remember feeling special because I had two families, and most of my friends only had one.  Secretly wanting my parents to be together and enjoy each other, I especially loved Halloween because ever since I was a little girl, we celebrated Halloween with my dad, my mom included. 

We still eat the same, traditional meal each year: barbecue sandwiches, coleslaw, vegetables, and potato chips.  I look forward to this tradition every year, and am so glad that my husband and I live close enough to my dad (about 7 minutes away!) to be able to continue this tradition with Jonathan.  Before we had Jonathan, Darin and I would go to my dad's every year to help pass out candy.  Now it's fun to have a little one to walk around the neighbor (or pull him around in a wagon!).  Here are some fun pictures of my little gorilla blue monster.  (He didn't much like the gorilla seen in the photos below!)

Despite the rain and freezing temperatures, we had a great time.  I was glad when Jonathan finally got the one thing he was waiting for, a sucker, because as soon as he got it he declared that he wanted to go home.  Good thing, too, because this pregnant mama was worn out!

After practicing "trick-or-treating" for the last six weeks, Jonathan was REALLY excited to put all that practice into action!

So sweet!

Apparently, riding is overrated. 

Don't be fooled by this picture.  Darin passed out the candy and I took Jonathan around the neighborhood.  Feel bad for me, fellow pregnant ladies.  :O)

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