Thursday, May 30, 2013

Two Months

I can't believe Owen is two months old already!  He had his well-check today at the doctor's office, which was quite crazy entertaining, as per usual.  Jonathan turned the lights off and threw his toys all over the room in an attempt to gain the doctor's attention.  Good thing the doctor loves Jonathan!  He scooped Jonathan up and sat him in his lap and talked to him about fun things to do during the summer.  He's awesome with kids (should be...he's got seven of his own!).  Owen only fussed a bit during his exam.  While I was talking to the doctor, Owen started pooping.  The doctor asked if I wanted to change him, and I said, "No, he's not finished, yet!".  Sure enough, he had more.  A. LOT. MORE.  I stood up to change him, and when I laid him on the table, I saw poop everywhere.  No problem.  I can totally handle poop.  Then I looked down and there was poop on my pants.  The big little stinker pooped all over me!  Just when I thought I had it all cleaned up (all the while the doctor was talking to me and I totally wasn't listening), Jonathan wandered over and said, "Mom, could ya' get that poop off your pants?"  That's right, there was MORE.  Then the doctor looked over where I had been sitting with Owen and he saw poop on the chair, too!  He said, "I hope you don't plan on going anywhere after this."  Well, I sure hoped so, too!  (We DID end up going to Meijer to get Tylenol for Owen.)  When the exam was finished, two nurses came in to give Owen three shots.  Poor guy screamed his little head off.  Jonathan tried to comfort him by saying, "It's OK, Owie.  Don't cry."  Such a sweet, compassionate, big brother. 

One month stats
Weight: 8 lbs, 14 oz.
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Two month stats
Weight: 11 lbs, 9 oz. (33rd percentile)
Length: 23 inches (50th percentile)

Here are some pictures from our 2 month photo shoot.  Enjoy!

Jonathan was trying to make Owen smile by shaking a toy.  :O)

He was "talking" in this pic.

Love this one!

I tickled his belly and got this awesome smile.

Jonathan joined in on the photo shoot.  He was upset that he didn't get a "3" for his tummy, but he quickly got over it.

I so love his funny faces!

We are just so in love with you, Owen!  You are smiling so much and making the sweetest little sounds when you are happy.  You are eating about every 3-4 hours, and still spitting up a lot of what you consume.  The laundry detergent company sure loves you!  You still sleep quite a bit during the day, and you are sleeping better at night.  A little less grunting in the early hours of the night, but come 3:00 am, you grunt like crazy and it's difficult to comfort you.  I usually spend 3:00 am until 6:00 am trying to make you feel better.  We are pretty sure gas is the problem, and has built up in your tummy all night while you've laid on your back.  As soon as we sit you upright, you settle down.  I'm tired, but it's nothing a little coffee can't cure.  :O)  Your big brother loves you and wants to hold you.  He often tells you not to spit and not to cry.  He kisses you and rubs your head and tummy.  You are so loved, sweet one.  God has truly blessed us.


  1. I really enjoy reading your posts about the boys and your life in general! Alot of them bring back so many memories of when we were growing up together. I am so greatful to have known you Shana and to have had you.. and your family as a part of my life. You, your family and a few others are what have help shape me into the woman and mother I am today. And for that I will be forever greatfull. I am so happy that you are doing great, and enjoying your little ones! They are so very previous.
    Yolanda Steele-Hensley

  2. I love you, Yo-Yo! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. Your comments bring back memories of spending holidays together...and just about every waking moment together! Oh, all of the conversations (and arguments!) we shared over the years. Makes me miss those days and our friendship. I would love to catch up with you sometime. Can you believe we'll be 30 this year? We share the same birthday month, and we're both raising two boys (well, three, if you count our husbands!).
